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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


This is because some people who aren’t as good at the game still want to feel like they earned all of the achievements. I feel that its a lot more inclusive and even though it feels more like “everybody wins a prize” I feel like if you truly love a challenge you shouldn’t need an achievement for doing it. I would rather have gaming be more inclusive than exclude some people.

My choices are the following:

  • Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor - Good guitar riffs and it fits the mood of the game
  • Brutal Legend - Lots of music, lots. Ozzy Osbourne is in the game
  • Final Fantasy 8 - I think it had a memorable soundtrack
  • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - The original radio stations were great in this game.

ftl is worth 2.50. Portal 1 & 2 definitely worth 1.50. Sleeping Dogs definitely worth 3.00.

I saw the yakuza collection for the gog.com sale and am curious about the answer too. It has I think 1-6 on there.

Currently playing through Borderlands 2. Its been interesting seeing the guy I played in BL1 show up in the sequel as a NPC. Also just finished beating Sekiro and Sid Meiers Pirates.

I recently played through the original version(non remake) on steam. There was a way to speed up battles / tools to add magic to your characters so you didn’t have to spend all day drawing magic. I would be surprised if the remake didn’t have any of this. (I used to leave chocobo world running when I wasn’t playing)