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Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


The resurrected corpse of Black Isle should redo Fallout 3 and 4 using the Fallout 2 engine and isometric view. Also fix the stories.

Another issue, those people aren’t on here. Or reddit. We’re preaching to the choir and idk what to do outside of standing outside of a Gamestop and trying to lecture people about MTX, but that seems like a good way to get ignored or beat up.

I scrolled through the mtx and… there is literally nothing in there that anyone should ever buy. Exception for the character redesign item, but if this is like first game, you can redesign your character between playthroughs.

I feel like there’s some kinda argument here between the director and whatever suit wanted mtx. That stuff in the store is literally pointless to buy. RC? People will rent your pawn, that’s how you get it. Wakestones? Gold in game.

Only thing I’d consider buying would be the eternal ferrystone, but that defeats the flow of the game, and they aren’t selling it.

I actually loved parts of the story from 1. Granted, a lot of it was pointless, shallow, needed expansion, better written characters, so on and so forth. But every scene with the dragon was enthralling. A lot of what happened after you beat it was interesting. And idk how to do spoilers here so I’ll be vague, but what happens at the final boss on a second playthrough blew my mind. I had no clue, and it had been hundreds of hours since, so my jaw literally dropped.

I think RDR and Starfield winning were ops planned by their respective communities. Like, these games are clearly neither of these things, yet they won. It’s seems intentional. Not on Valves part. I have no proof, of course. It’s just baffling.

I finally started playing Cyberpunk this week and I’ve been having a blast. I totally skipped it at launch though. That said, I don’t have faith Bethesda has what it takes to make Starfield great. They’ve been a joke for a long time.

Wah. Stop putting up with crunch and make something artistic for once, instead of the next annual COD w/ season pass and BR mode.

I laughed when Chris Judge said that and he’s damn right. Sales =/= good game unless you’re a suit or investor, and surprise, I don’t give a shit what someone who’s probably never played a video game thinks makes a good game (it’s not battlepasses, skinner boxes, and FOMO).

I watch it annually (for the game reveals and occasional Warframe announcements, and it’s just 1 night a year). It’s just been trailers interspersed with awards, celeb cameos, and the odd live performance for a while now. Not sure why people get upset about it, apart from being mad their game didn’t get X award. It’s never gonna be the Oscar’s, and I don’t want it to be. I want Kojima to come on stage and ramble about his new game for 10 minutes without actually saying shit.

Edit: I read the article and they make fair points. They’re right that it should give more time to creators to make an acceptance speech. And the Muppets thing is always just odd.

Yeah. This one caught my eye. My friends and I are looking forward to it.

I am beyond excited for this. I’ve been playing MH games since MH2 and they just get better every time. If this caught your eye and you’ve never tried the series, World and Rise are both great and totally worth checking out during the wait until 2025.

Tell corporate, it’s their plan. And yes, you’d be surprised how often it was, in fact, the last copy. If it’s not a major release, there’s usually only a few copies in the store, sometimes literally a single copy.

Depends on the store, some let employees rent games.

And there’s no shrink gun at Gamestop, just that stupid plastic bag.

Every game on display has to have the display copy opened. The game itself is kept behind the counter, the case is put out for display. It’s to prevent theft. You got the last copy of the game in the store. It socks, but that’s why. When I worked there I let people know it was the last copy and that the game had been opened but was still “new”. Gave them a chance to change their mind. Alas, corporate doesn’t offer discounts on display copies, and employees have no power to lower the price.

They do look similar beyond the pyramid shape. Also, Bungie didn’t say anything about it, it was the insane fan base.

I’ve had a few false starts on the first one a few times, but I swear I will beat them one day. First saw them as a kid but I was too young to figure them out.

Ah man, Shivers was awesome! Not even a fan of the genre but I loved that game.