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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Mar 02, 2024


That’s because it’s a mobile game and it’ll be a trash cash grab

I played a good bit on the free Eden server last year and earlier this year and it’s still fun! I don’t know if that server is still going strong or not though.

They’re mostly janky. It’s a lot of fighting the most boring combat on braindead NPCs to get to a boss.

Monster Hunter World: The girlfriend and I are tearing through Iceborne content

City Skyline 2: I still need to play it since the update today

I’d agree with you about Paradox having too many DLCs, but you don’t have the Montagge Agrees With You DLC

A 64 bit version of Sims3 would fix a lot of the constraints of that game, but it’ll never happen.

If one is concerned about one’s information being taken one wouldn’t install a game with anticheat

LOL CS1 was a bare bones mess on release. It wasn’t good until several DLCs were released. It was just better than anything Sim City had going on in the past decade.