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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 18, 2023


I’m imagining being in a voice channel and your communication is cut while everyone in the lobby is forced to listen to the same 15 sec ad, then you can talk again.

“OnlyFans has a moderation problem and can’t properly prevent CSAM and sex trafficking on its platform”

“Well, it’s clearly the credit card companies fault”


Because some of us want a game from Valve that’s not competitive? There are literally thousands of us out here. Why do you even care?

Competitive shooter

Brooo I just wanna chill and have fun and play some games.

Fuck Ubisoft. Fuck major game publishers.

Do you live outside of the US and hate Ubisoft and the direction the games industry is headed towards?

Do you live in the US and have ever ‘owned’ a copy of The Crew from Ubisoft?

Visit stopkillinggames.com to help drive a dagger through their rancid hearts.


I remember when I got the steam notification that a developer left a comment on my review. I had left some other ones recently so I was excited, then I saw it was Bethesda telling me all the “fun things” I can do after I said it was boring. When I think about it it gives me that cringy awkward feeling you get when you’re embarrassed for someone else.

My Factorio gameplay loop be like:

  • well thought out start for the first few science packs
  • hit constraints but continue growing with some elegance
  • this should be enough refinery output
  • fuck
  • spaghetti
  • early game nodes are depleting
  • remember I’m shit at building railways
  • “this mile long belt is a good solution”
  • more spaghetti
  • I’ve been playing non stop for a week
  • burnt out; going to take a short break
  • 6-12 months later- let’s finish this
  • wtf happened here…
  • restart

180 hours played and I still haven’t launched a rocket, and I loved every minute of it and can’t wait for the next go-round.

For all of its faults, I’m just glad the zip ties and the fucking saws are gone. Hated those in PD2.

I love 99 boxes, but that’s only because of the sweet sweet XP glitch for weapons and skills, although it’s pretty easy to unlock all the skills without cheesing.

For those wondering, the exit zone/square thing marks the mission as completed as soon as you step into it, which is probably intended. What’s not intended is that on this heist every time you walk in and out of the square it counts as an additional completion. So if you want to level a gun just do a run of 99 boxes and hop in and out of the exit for a few minutes and then complete it (I usually trigger it 100-150 times to be sure). Gun done.

Honestly it’s the only thing that kept me playing for as long as I did, because trying to level the weapons is almost as bad as the infamy grind. Whoever pushed the progression systems through in this state should feel shame, although I doubt they’re capable of doing so.

Happy to see the game moving forward, and thrilled that so many players are happy about it. Idk why but CS stopped feeling like CS to me with GO. I’ll definitely try CS2 out, but I wish I was excited about it too.

Does anyone know if the custom server/maps community made a place for itself with GO? My peak CS experience (probably mostly due to my ages at the time, was 1.6 with the wacky custom maps, WC3 servers, super hero severs… And then in Source the zombie servers were so fun, especially the ZE (Zombie Escape) maps. Few things in life are as memorable as successfully escaping the mines of Moria from a hoard of player zombies.

Seems like you’d have to jump through hoops to avoid updating and continuing to play it while connected to Steam normally. #1 you should go into the Properties of the game and set it to not automatically update. But that won’t fix your issue, as it will trigger the update when you attempt to launch it. Also set it to not allow updates while playing the game, just in case.

Some games you can go into the steam directory and launch the .exe yourself, and that might work. There’s also Steam Offline Mode, but you may want to set it up today before the update drops and test how it works (I’ve never used it). Maybe you’ll have luck disconnecting from the internet before launching the game after the update is available. If you’re not able to completely disconnect your machine for whatever reason, you can get a program like NetLimiter and block the steam applications from accessing the internet temporarily.


That is wild. Someone was talking about being scared of clowns as a kid and it reminded me of this movie. I probably only caught 30 min of it on cable but it was so wtf (to a young me) that it was enough to never forget it. Never thought I’d see it come back!

Didn’t play the first one, but I’m hyped for Remnant 2.

Discovered Remnant 2 last week 😃

It’s not out until the 25th 😕

Early access is available the 21st 🙌🏻

Realizing I’m out out town 20th-23rd 💀