As an occasionally returning player, I think the ah access is massively overrated. What is it that people are buying from there that they can’t buy in the capital, but at the same time must be available on the road?
I have need for an auction house off road maybe once a month? Probably less often. And when I do I can just log onto a banking alt located right at an auction house, mail it to my main and grab it from any mailbox (engineering has portable mailboxes too by the way).
You mean the one where you help the suicidal PTSD cop neighbor of yours? I actually liked that one, showing how even the good people in the police are ruined by the abhorrent injustice they have to tolerate from their corporate masters.
In case you mean the river storyline, dude is just an uncle on a mission.
My personal belief still is that the prohibitive approach is futile and ultimately more harmful than the alternative: embrace the technology, promote it and create deepfakes of everyone.
Soon the taboo will be gone, the appeal as well, and everyone will have plausible deniability too, because if there are dozens of fake nudes of any given person then who is to say which are real, and why does it even matter at that point?
This would be a great opportunity to advance our societal values and morals beyond prudish notions, but instead we double down on them.
E: just to clarify I do not at all want to endorse creating nudity of minors here. Just point out that the girl in the article wouldn’t have to humiliate herself trying to do damage control in the above scenario, because it would be entirely unimportant.
Oh yeah i didn’t want to diminish your experience, the game certainly was plagued with a disastrous rushed launch and still doesnt deliver everything people wanted out of the game. But i found it quite enjoyable gameplay in an amazing and compelling setting and have curiously not experienced any of the issues others seem to have. Even playing it under Linux was a non issue for me. That being said it is of course completely valid to refund the game if your experience was this terrible.
As a recent convert from windows myself (about two weeks in) I can only recommend it. Almost everything including windows games worked right out of the box with minimal tinkering required, and setting up and configuring the system itself was even simpler than on Windows. It feels a lot like setting up a new smartphone as a comparison.
Personally i just copied my important files and documents to a backup drive, prepared the install medium and then nuked my windows installation, but you may want to take a less drastic approach and create a test partition first to dip your toes in.
People dont hate ai, people hate “ai“ llms designed by corporations to produce compliant, inoffensive and soulless art and content, eventually leaving nothing but drab menial labor for us, imprisoned in our corporate shaped minds, unable to express any revolutionary thought any more.
I am very interested in open source models i can run on my local machine. Just not in those corporate creativity perverters dystopian science fiction couldn’t come up with if it tried.
E: there are a few ai communities on here too, for example fosai and stablediffusion, I would think you can find like minded people over there, even on lemmy.
Yeah, I’ve been on the discord yesterday for a while, and it is a constant torrent of nerd rage and hateful messages for the community manager. While I have requested a refund myself as well and am also really pissed about this change, I realize the poor schmock who is paid to talk nice to the players isnt at fault here but gets all the shit.
I have been wanting to make the switch to Linux myself, and have done a bit of research on which to try for a beginner coming from windows. However the dual boot dangers are worrying me a bit, I dont want to nuke my windows installation just yet and only test the waters.
I have an SSD with windows on it and another with most of my programs and files. Could I partition the latter for a Linux installation or would I risk windows messing with it anyway?
I mean, the game is really on the nose with its parodic elements, how could they possibly not see that? Just talk to the supply officer ladies in the back part of the ship.
They are full of gems like “the bot society is wholly built on war. If they ever won they wouldnt know what to do“ (paraphrased), or the ministry of truth which ensures all citizens are properly indoctrinated informed, or the ministry of economy which makes sure resources flow to the “most deserving”.
Ai is coming either way. It’s not really avoidable, and if Mozilla were to divest from that area too they would set themselves up for failure. A few years down the road all browsers will have some sort of ai integration, perhaps large parts of the web too. If Mozilla doesn’t keep up it will just become entirely irrelevant and the internet will be fully controlled by google and its chromium bs.
Besides, what they did so far is really neat and how I would like to see ai integrated: offline translation features on your local device, not somewhere under control of some corporation. More of that please
I completely understand the sentiment of protecting children, but at the same time under that argument you can push the most dystopian and intrusive, overreaching legislature imaginable. It is the old balance of freedom versus safety, we can’t have complete safety without giving up all freedom.
And I think a constant ai driven monitoring of everything people say in the general vicinity of a microphone is very dystopian; which would be the eventual outcome of this.
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