Homo Homini Lupus Est

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 01, 2023


Don’t forget the far cry(4?) that ended after waiting 10 m after the villain said wait 😁

True. Those cloud-services allow for mods. But still too laggy, too expensive, too much hassle. And in the end you own nothing again. Like car leasing 😑

But gf now is much cheaper, but therefore has those downsides. But yes. Just a pc somewhere else

It’s an okay-ish solution for people who don’t wanna invest in a pricey pc or that just wanna game from their potato thinclient. No mods kills it for me personally.

If the partner is enjoying games, and especially the same games, it’s awesome. My wife isn’t as fanatic as i am, but has her own share of game-love. Couldn’t imagine a partner that wouldn’t at least get it either.

That makes sense. As someone who never saw the appeal in watching sports, this is probably the same league. But somehow it’s like watching porn when one isn’t in the mood for actual sex 😁

Never watched a stream, never really understood the motivation. But i also don’t consume social media (besides lemmy) or such and am generally anti-social, so that might be that. I would be infuriated if those people wouldn’t do what I would do. Also the chat is… Annoying.

If “friends” or even “girlfriends” tell you it’s cringe, it’s them that’s cringe. Worker-bees with sticks up their arses. Get away from such toxic people.

I get it, I’m gaming for 40yrs now, and i know how it feels to be ridiculed for it. Fuck them. Especially when it’s coming from people who spend their time watching TV or mindlessly scrolling fuckbook et al. They really should STFU. Gaming always was an art-form, now more than ever. And adults have a right to, nay, the freedom to enjoy their passions guiltfree.

2 reasons (pick one):

1: Raise your steam-level. Either to get more stuff to show on your profile or to be allowed to have more friends (yes, there’s a limit). Up to a certain level, starting from there it’s just to show how much money you got to be a famous rockstar in the steam social media. Some spend millions on that.

2: Get a badge for your profile that you really like. Or some backgrounds or chat-emojis.

It you see a steam-level >200 (i think that was the sweet spot) it’s just a poser 😁

Personally i spent some thousands once for just that, but only because nerd-me wanted to absolutely optimize the automatic leveling for the sake of it. I can obsess over things pretty quickly 😂

I have not heard of someone collecting them for collecting-reasons. Only the game-gifts.

We all have, i guess. Pearls slowly withering in the vast ocean of stuff. You can swap luck with money though. But not always. That’s mostly when “absolute shit” becomes the global phenomenon. Just throw enough money at it until some success may show.

Oh yeah the effing reboots and remasters and endless sequels. Nobody dares to do new stuff coz they fear for their investment.

Selling those cards is only worth the trouble if it’s a lot and you automate the selling. Once sold a few thousands that accumulated and got >100 bucks.

People collect things. Especially things you can’t “normally” purchase anymore. So yes, they’re worth something. Maybe a lot, but definately >0 😁

Every great business idea needs luck too. You just never hear of other incredibly great ideas that just had none. You can’t just calculate success and have it guaranteed. You need money (for marketing at least), a great or even mediocre idea and luck. And be it just the luck of doing it at the right time.

You can write the best book the world ever saw, but it’s worth nothing if you don’t get lucky the right person (with influence/reach) reads it at the right time and happens to like it. Otherwise you would have to persistently throw money at it for an indeterminate time. And the longer that is the less profit is ever to be made. See epic games…

But if you think luck is irrelevant, suit yourself.

True, that’s a point. Though we don’t know if it would be that way now too with ownable physical stuff. Gaming became waaaaaay more mainstream.

Also, steam inventory-gift-games are equally priced now. For collectors. At least thrice the original asking price for stuff you even can get for free. Last one i sold was 15 when it came out, was already in bundles a lot and it went for 100 moneyz.

I indeed was one of them. Managed to boycott until left4dead2. Then i caved in. The war was lost anyway. And now i have easily put 5 figures into steam and own nothing.

Remember when you could sell games you’d never play again and people less fortunate than you could have their fun with them for a much lower price?

So what? That’s called survivorship-bias. He can only say that because he got excessively lucky against all odds. Lottery-winners shouldn’t exist either 😉

Oh boy, i was so happy when the first lcd surfaced. No more 2-people-to-carry and radiation of my eyes. No amount of nostalgia (i started with green monitors) will ever make me go back 😁

I want all that, minus “challenging” :-) Those times are over for me. There are tooooooo many games I like and I don’t wanna waste it anymore with trying to git-gud for weeks. I got lazy over the years and now seek different stuff.

Sadly the 80s and 90s games i have so fond memories of, I couldn’t bear to play nowadays. It’s like some dream-cars of mine which i would never actually drive because I’m also a nerd and love the tech-gimmicks. And I don’t wanna manually roll down a window. Same with games. Good for you you still love them, that would be awesome :-) Only game I ever actually 100%ed (willingly) was Witcher3. Damn, I’m totally not the gamer i was 3 or 4 decades ago :-)

Call it whatever you want, but i highly welcome every refreshing setting. Like Japan. Or scifi (cyberpunk) or… Everything but the run-of-the-mill high-fantasy orcs and elves.

Why do people play those things. It’s clearly just a test how dumb we all are, and we’re seemingly failing it. People do play it. Things like that should net a total global sales of 3 or 4 and then be taken down a few days after release. But no.

I want 80s gaming back, with modern tech and stuff.

I wouldn’t care to install that shit. Either they can’t message me (oh boy, like back in the day hm?) or they use an app for adults.

I’m a windows-fan since… Errr… The first one. I’m a pro also with tons of win-certificates for everything. Even i started to effing hate w11. It started nice with the hdr and such, but the startmenu alone made me go nuts. Bought the one from stardock, didn’t satisfy me, made my own. If they don’t rudder back with their obnoxious ui in w12, I’m probably leaving and only dual booting for optimal gaming. I’m not troubled by the whole consumer annoyances coz I’m in a local domain with a lot of group-policies. Also global ad-/telemetry-block and firewall.

Check out GhostSpectre. Or just the LTSC versions. Or the enterprise-versions where you can tell it what you want or not.

“Giants: Citizen Kabuto”

It was a hillarious mix of everything. Super funny characters/story, great telling, fps, rts, asymetrical… All being super casual. Still on gog and still a joy.


Best blend of rpg/rts/Story. So far i never saw one coming close that gameplay.

Ah thanks for the vivid trip down memory lane. It’s sad you have to really search hard to find such pearls nowadays.

Don’t trust every “article” on some shitty website.

Felt the same. Wtf? How can they seriously say something like that without laughing or committing a shame-suicide?

The currency-selling started way before wow too. In one mmo the money-spiral went so far the drain that people who played 8 or more accounts simultaneously were the tits. You had to buy a 2nd acc at the very least to be half-way competitive. It disgusted me so bad that i ultimately quit this otherwise beautiful game (dark age of camelot).

As to cheats. I love cheats and use them to my hearts desire. Be it to see everything on the first run (there are too many games in my backlog nowadays) or to make a fun 2nd run, or just to skip things i don’t enjoy (like carryweight in an rpg, me being a hoarder). I never cheated in online games of course. That would beat the purpose. Using denuvo anticheat on a singleplayergame just to make cheating impossible so that people buy their cheats… That’s where they can really suck my schlong and I’ll just pirate.

But it was the “beginning” with the most exposure to the average gamer. Everyone hated it, nobody wanted it, yet seemingly more than enough still bought it, which ultimately lead us here.

Yet, which game exactly started it, isn’t important for my point being. It somewhere started, and we still purchased and decided with our moneyz if such practices are fine with us. And obviously it was fine or else this thread Wouldn’t be there.

Well. We, the gamers, get what we deserve. Did we purchase shit like this before? Yes.

Did we buy Skyrim’s horse-armour and started it all? Yes.

Do we now pay for cheat-codes in a 70-moneyz single-player-game? Also Yes.

Obviously, or companies would stop to come up with such turds coz it wouldn’t sell.

I will wait for a crack even though i couldn’t await this game. But this? Nooooo. It hurts my fefes.

How dare you? It won Steam’s innovation-award! And it was surely full of innov…never mind. I’ll show myself out.

Wouldn’t say “fool”, but surely lacking reflection on that topic.

Seriously, who still cares what those “totally independent” sites say? The ratio-graph between site-size and trustworthyness is converging to zero.

Not to say the game isn’t great. It most likely is.

I only did once a long time ago, so… I dunno if you need confirmation or something more than just pluggin in.

I assume you don’t have adb enabled? Or maybe even a custom recovery?

Otherwise the best shot would be a usb-dongle with hmdi and keyboard/mouse.