If you read the court documents this child is clearly on the spectrum, the parents ignored his symptoms for years and just allowed tons of unrestricted screen access. Then when the consequences of their actions hit them they shift the blame elsewhere because it couldn’t possibly be their shitty parenting. This has been going on for decades, first it was comic books, then it was rock music, then it was violent television, now it’s video games.
I get where you are coming from but once again this is a niche product for one use only. Just because they use an FPGA doesn’t mean it should be capable of running other cores. If a consumer is looking for that type of use then they should be investing in a Mister. Analogue builds retro consoles with cartridge use in mind, they use FPGA because it gives the most accurate experience. It’s a boutique product, so yes it’s expensive and doesn’t make sense to someone who just wants an all in one device like a mister.
FPGA is technically emulation but not in the same sense as BSNES. BSNES is software emulation, requires a beefy computer for complete accuracy. The SuperNT gives perfect accuracy on a less than 2GHz ARM processor by using the exact same chip logic as the original Snes, so it theoretically is a SNES. BSNES uses reverse engineering with its own code to emulate snes hardware onto x86 architecture. Analogues marketing is fine the way it is because they are correct in what they advertise, the product is niche and targets retro collectors with physical collections.
These are for retro collection junkies. Most people who buy analogue products are only planning on using physical carts to play. This will likely not have openFPGA so don’t expect it to run anything but N64 games, it will probably get a custom firmware eventually that allows rom play but that functionality will not be out of the box.
No one forced indie devs to put their games on gamepass, why is it my fault? I will pay for what I feel is worth my money, and gamepass has surpassed that ten fold. When they decide to go the way of netflix by jacking up prices and reducing offerings then I will stop paying for it just like I did with netflix.
Once again you are making assumptions. And I never said they wouldn’t raise prices, you keep putting words in my mouth. The type of price increase you seem to think will happen is definitely beyond the realm of reality, at least at this time. There’s no way they are going to double the subscription cost and expect to keep their current subscription numbers.
We can “what if” all day long, the fact remains that at the moment it is a very good deal. Last numbers anyone had as far as money goes is that MS was banking 50+mil a month on gamepass subs alone and that was last year. That number should be much higher now considering the amounts of high profile releases on the platform as of late.
I don’t care if modern video games peddle amphetamines. The fact is parents have endless amounts of information at their fingertips at all times to research said games before buying it for their children. Instead of doing their due diligence as a parent they pawn little Johnny off to the TV or Tablet with no care in the world about what they are consuming because it’s easier than parenting.