It sounds like either a throwaway mobile gacha game or an epic CBT adventure porno, but it’s actually a pretty good 3D platformer.
The obvious answer is to abandon GaaS as a concept and focus making more great single player games like the ones that put Playstation into a clear lead in this generation of the console wars.
However, we’ve seen that a massive failure in the space isn’t enough to deter the truly greedy coughWBcough, so who knows?
That was the case when GTAV launched, but GTAO has been available as a free standalone game for at least a couple years now.
I don’t care for it myself, but I can see the appeal. The core gameplay of GTAO is solid and very driven by emergent socialization and competition, so it’s no big surprise people spend way too much money on it.
But hey, if those whales are financing the development of GTAVI, I can live with it.
If you really want a fresh experience and don’t wanna spend more time modding than actually playing, I cannot recommend more strongly Wabbajack. It’s a fully automated modlist installer with a huge gallery of available lists.
Some of the available modlists are foundational, giving you just the essentials (Engine tweaks, HD assets, community bug fixes, etc.), and some are total conversions, turning the game into a fully-realized modern third-person action game, with controls, animations, and graphics as good as any modern game.
It does everything for you, from installing Mod Organizer 2 to creating game launch shortcuts, and everything in between. All you have to do is log into Nexus (and whatever other mod sites your modlist of choice might use). It’s worth getting Nexus Premium at least temporarily to speed up the process.
Here is the Skyrim Special Edition modlist gallery.
One extremely important factor that this article neglects to address: Valve is a private company - it’s not publicly traded in Wall Street. That is the reason Steam has remained the best in the business; it’s not beholden to shareholders’ short-sighted meddling. It’s also the reason Steam is effectively immune to enshittification.
My GPU is a GeForce RTX 2700S and my CPU is exactly the minimum spec, an AMD Ryzen 5 3600, and I’m able to play at a stable 30FPS with only occasional stutters when loading a new chunk in a big city. In my 50+ hours played, I haven’t once had performance negatively impact my experience.
Edit: With the latest game update, I now get 60FPS while exploring and 40-50FPS in cities.
So excited for this! I bought into the beta about a decade ago and have been reading the dev logs on every so often since then.
It’s a top-notch classic-style isometric RPG with tongue-in-cheek writing, great character building, and a roguelike mode.
For me, it has been and probably always will be Azure Dreams on PS1. An early mystery dungeon with elements of monster catcher, town builder, and dating simulator. Had a decent amount of replayability due to exclusive romance paths and procedurally generated dungeons.
The only way to play it nowadays is using an emulator, as it was a rare find even in its heyday.
you usually don’t own your games, you just own a license; they can’t take away a console disk, but they can revoke a digital license
This is partially offset by the fact that most PC games are purchased through Steam, which stands above all other digital storefronts as the most trustworthy and customer-focused. Playstation is certainly no longer trustworthy after the whole Discovery debacle, Xbox is owned by Microsoft, so you know you can’t trust them, and Nintendo has infamously outdated online practices and subpar customer support.
Interesting. I didn’t even know the Mana games had multiplayer. I’ve always played them for the replayability and character building (and the story, of course).
Being able to play the fan translation of Seiken Densetsu 3 in the early aughts was what really cemented my love for the series. I was ecstatic to learn that its remake was made so faithfully.
Such nonsensical results. It really is a popularity contest.
At this point, I think it’s clear that voting restrictions of some sort are necessary. My first thought: players can only vote in a category if they’ve got at least 5 hours of total gameplay distributed amongst at least 25% of the games in that category, with a minimum of 30 minutes of gameplay per game.
You really can’t deal with being wrong, can you? I feel bad for you. Life must be hard, being unable to admit your own faults and constantly projecting onto others. I bet all your friends secretly hate you, assuming you have any at all.
You know those are intentionality inaccurate summaries, but you just can’t help yourself. Your little obsession with trying to make me look bad is, as you love to condescending say, cute, but I’m over it.
Just please don’t follow me around Lemmy. You were wrong. You made a mistake. Accept it and move on.
Still not preemptive, though. Do you seriously not understand what the word means? I even gave you an armchair definition in my last comment.
Here, this might help:
EDIT: I think I finally understand. You must’ve forgotten what your original reply said. Here it is:
Its kinda funny to criticize someone for supposed preemptive action by yourself making a preemptive action.
That doesn’t jive with this in your most recent comment:
Because you mislabeled what they did while doing the same thing they did.
I hate to argue semantics - that’s a lie; I actually love it, but I know most people hate it - but while the latter quote is correct in the context of my misguided li’l protest (I mislabeled a simple reaction as preemptive, then I made a simple reaction), it’s an incorrect explanation of the “humorous observation” - that I mislabeled a simple reaction as preemptive, then I made a preemptive action.
I understand that appearing intelligent is probably very important to you, so you really should make more of an effort to reread your posts when somebody calls out a mistake you’ve made, rather than dig your heels in.
Learning from our mistakes is how we grow.
You keep putting words in my mouth. Is it a fetish thing? I don’t wanna kink shame, but I did ask you to stop a few comments ago.
Since you seem to have a need to paint someone as the “bad guy” in this conversation, why don’t I help? It’s you. You’re the bad guy. You repeatedly, blatantly attribute false quotes to me, then use those false premises to try to win an argument that you started. There are only so many “putting words in my mouth” and “extra straw” jokes I can make, so I’m done.
Congratulations! You win by default. Go tell all your friends and neighbors that you beat back the evil forces of nuance and mutual understanding with nothing but a battalion of straw men.
Yeah, and if you look further down, you’ll see I was ignorant of that until another commenter informed me, then I changed my tune accordingly.
Regardless, there was nothing preemptive on my end. “Preemptive” means taking preventive action in anticipation of something possible in the future. I was reactive; I saw the content removal as morally wrong, and reacted with a small personal protest (which, granted, I didn’t edit out of my original comment, but have since rescinded). Nothing preemptive about it.
Semantics are fun!
I never said anything about rights. Again you’re putting words in my mouth. Gross. Stay out of my mouth.
Of course people have the right to choose not to work with him. What I’m saying is that it’s morally wrong to force him out of his own show because he used to be a horny, creepy jerk. He’s (probably) learned his lesson and nobody else will be “victimized” by him, so all forcing him out does is harm the show and him. Nobody benefits.
Roiland isn’t a great person, but great artists rarely are. All charges were dropped, so all he’s guilty of is being a horny creep, like most men of his generation.
I personally wouldn’t do anything like that now, but I definitely would have in my cringey youth. People learn and grow. I’m not him, so I can’t say with certainty, but I’m pretty sure he won’t do or say anything like that again. How does canceling him now benefit anyone?
Okay, yeah, that’s pretty bad. Thanks for expanding my understanding. I’d never actually heard any of these names other than Sea of Stars before this post, so I came in pretty blind.
Honestly, I was more airing my frustration with what seemed at first glance like a very similar situation to the whole Justin Roiland thing from earlier this year. He got kicked off his own shows based on what turned out to be false allegations, and never got so much as a public apology.
I’ll still wait to pass judgement until more is known, but I at least see that the content removal wasn’t purely done out of fear of public response.
So we don’t know the whole story, but he was removed from the game, anyway? Not cool.
Thierry can do whatever he wants with his game, but ending a long and profitable (both emotionally and financially, presumably) friendship simply because of unproven allegations seems like a very short-sighted, fear-driven move.
They did it to protect the brand or whatever, but actions like this harm the brand in my eyes. Shows they care more about public perception than truth and justice. I, for one, will be removing Sea of Stars from my wishlist because of this.
Unless Thierry comes out and says he knew all along about The Completionist, which is literally the only way to justify such a preemptive sanction, he has irreparably harmed his integrity, IMO.
Nobody’s said the game was flawless, but I, at least, never experienced any bugs or design issues that detracted from the overall incredible experience.
Nobody in their right mind will pretend there weren’t bugs, or that the quests or talent trees or crafting or alchemy were well made
You’re conflating facts with opinion. I thought the quests and perk trees were, for the most part, very well made.
I’m honestly a bit surprised ArenaNet hasn’t implemented any Steam Deck support. The game runs great on the Deck; all it needs is official controller support.